Saturday, February 02, 2008

Please Forgive Me, 'Cause I Usually Don't Know What the Heck I'm doing.....

Food for thought
Amma says...(from Amrita eNews)

Children when we forgive and forget the faults of others, God will forgive and forget ours.

Spiritual people trust the universal strength that lies behind their abilities and intelligence.

The same kind of candy is wrapped in different-colored wrappers. Similarly, it is the same consciousness that dwells in everything.

When we say the world is 'unreal', what we are referring to is that it is constantly changing. If we depend too much on such things, we will experience sorrow. It is the same with our own body. It is constantly changing. We must therefore give everything a proper place and importance. Considering the body to be real and devoting our entire life to it will make us very unhappy.

There are two types of education. One type of education will enable you to find a suitable job; the other shows you how to live a life of peace and happiness. That is spirituality. It is the knowledge of the mind.

Amma often says that we must always have the attitude of a beginner. You may ask, "If I always remain a beginner, won't that mean that I'll never make any progress?" Not at all.
Having the attitude of a beginner means that you retain the total openness, attentiveness and receptivity of a beginner. This is the only way to truly imbibe wisdom and knowledge.

We are not isolated islands. Our lives are interconnected like the links of a chain. Whether we are aware of it or not, our every action has an effect on others.

1 comment:

Troy said...

I enjooyed reading your post